Are you a Mortgage Broker or Creative Financing Specialist
Can you make what seems impossible, possible?
About 90% of the new loans we finance, and all of the existing loans we buy, are brought to us by “financial intermediaries”. Most I would classify as “brokers”, and they do a good job for their client borrowers by getting them the best terms on the easier to finance loans, and getting the hard to place loans financed. But the intermediaries obtain financing for the loans everyone else considers “not financeable” are the CREATIVE FINANCING SPECIALISTS.
These special mortgage intermediaries are the people most mortgage brokers call when they can’t get a loan financed Often it isn’t that the real estate can’t be financed. It’s that the circumstances surrounding the “deal” requires a higher loan to value (or on a purchase loan to cost) than the property or borrower will qualify.
These CREATIVE FINANCING SPECIALISTS create or modify the DEAL STRUCTURE so that a loan within existing LTV parameters will suffice. Often this requires renegotiating the terms of a property purchase, or restructuring the capital structure of a property refinance.
Next week, learn HOW these CREATIVE FINANCING SPECIALISTS make deals happen!!
Private Mortgage Financial Partners is always seeking to build long-term relationships with Commercial Mortgage Brokers who approach every loan as a successful professional. Check our new website to see the commissions we have paid commercial mortgage brokers in the last six months.
As True Hard Money Lenders, our loans are 1 – 2 years, with interest only payments.
3 – 4 points origination fee. No application fee and no due diligence fee. Borrower pays for MAI appraisal. Most of our loans are brought to us by mortgage brokers or financial intermediaries. Their fees are included in title company instructions and appear on closing statement.
To submit a loan request, visit our website, www.pmfpartners.com, click on “APPLY NOW” and complete the online application. No credit check or detailed application forms are required and we can usually render a decision in 24 hours.
Learn more details or to discuss a possible commercial mortgage contact us, Private Mortgage Financing Partners.