CREATIVE FINANCING SPECIALISTS create or modify the DEAL STRUCTURE so that a loan within existing LTV parameters will suffice.  Often this requires renegotiating the terms of a property purchase, or restructuring the capital structure of a property refinance.
The following list is the methods CREATIVE FINANCING SPECIALISTS use to make deals happen where others cannot succeed.

  • Seller provides second mortgage financing
  • Equity partner
  • Additional collateral provided by second lien(s) on other real estate
  • Have seller with better credit and property ownership history refinance for higher loan amount with buyer assuming loan and paying down payment.
  • Buyer purchases controlling partnership interest and buys out the seller’s remaining ownership interest over time
  • Mezzanine financing between debt and equity
  • Have tenants pay rent in advance for discount
  • Loan assumption
  • Purchasing “subject to” existing mortgage
  • Lease with option to purchase
  • Lease with right of first refusal
  • Life estate with reversion to seller or his/her heirs
  • Master lease
  • Purchase 51% interest with seller maintaining 49%
  • Crowdfund or syndicate the deal
  • Crowdfund or syndicate a new loan to purchase the property
  • Utilize a private lender
  • Bring in a money partner
  • Bring in a credit partner
  • Sweeten the “owner financing” offer by throwing in some other assets the buyer owns but either doesn’t use any more or is non-income producing (time shares, RVs, recreational land, camp ground memberships, etc).
  • “Earn out” with part of master lease payments buying into ownership
  • Convert to condos and “pre-sell” two or three units
  • Buy the building while the seller maintains ownership of the land and provides a ground lease
  • Buy the land while the seller maintains ownership of the building and you master lease the building
  • Kill the seller and marry their spouse

Private Mortgage Financial Partners always seek to build long-term relationships with Commercial Mortgage Brokers who approach every loan as successful professionals.   Check our new website to see the commissions we have paid commercial mortgage brokers in the last six months.

As True Hard Money Lenders, our loans are 1 – 2 years, with interest only payments.

3 – 4 points origination fee. No application fee and no due diligence fee. Borrower pays for MAI appraisal. Most of our loans are brought to us by mortgage brokers or financial intermediaries. Their fees are included in title company instructions and appear on closing statement.

To submit a loan request, visit our website,, click on “APPLY NOW” and complete the online application. No credit check or detailed application forms are required and we can usually render a decision in 24 hours.